EARLY music group Past Echoes has launched its concert series for the year.

Throughout the year, the group will perform in several concerts as part of the Monash University Lunchtime Concert Series at the Clayton campus.

The three-piece group covers works of the Renaissance and Baroque periods and aims to promote the vibrant Melbourne early music scene through annual concerts and regional tours.

Past Echoes includes soprano and recorder player Louisa Hunter-Bradley, soprano Helen Thomson and harpsichord player David Macfarlane.

The group will also perform in concerts at St Mark’s Anglican Church in Fitzroy.

The first in this series will be The Majestic and the Sublime, on Friday, April 11, at 8 pm. It will include works by Monteverdi, Couperin, Telemann, Vivaldi and Kapsberger.

For more information or tickets, phone 0417344828.